Since 1949 Bernard Fleischer & Sons, Inc. has supplied one stop Insurance to the Art community. Each customer has unique needs we listen to and fulfill on a daily basis. We are your trusted choice broker. We have many Insurance companies for Art Collectors, Galleries, Museums, Artists, and Exhibitors. If you Create, Sell, Loan, or Display works of art on a private or professional basis, we have great coverages with great pricing. This program provides comprehensive and cost-effective protection tailored to meet your individual needs. Art Insurance Policies are tailored to cover works of art at the Studio, in Storage, at Exhibitions, with Dealers, and during Transit.
We at Bernard Fleischer & Sons provide knowledgeable service to all our clients. We're here to guarantee artist that all their creations will be safe. We came up with this new innovative program to help you save time and money. We know how difficult and expensive it could be to get studio, transportation, and exhibition insurance. That's why we came up with this all new free and easy binding process.
We decided to put studio, transportation, and exhibit insurance together all in one policy. This new process will save you time and money. Time is valuable and that's why the policy covers you for a whole year. Protection follows your work around the world, not only in the United States. Safety is number 1 on our list, and that's why we give you coverage While your Art is in transit. With proven results and 65 years of experience, you're Safe with Bernard Fleischer & Sons, Inc.
Art, in whatever form it takes, means a lot to those who create it because they spend countless hours working on and improving upon their work. But, these treasures are highly vulnerable and can be easily destroyed in an instant. A lot of artists buy property insurance to protect their masterpieces. However, insurance companies often undervalue their work. That is why you need art studio insurance from a company that truly understands the real value of your creations. Here at, we know how to protect your property and cover it from the potential damage.
There is no telling what kind of disasters can befall an artist. That is covers a wide array of items that other agencies will refuse to cover, such as:
We also protect your treasures when they are:
We also guard your property against:
As you can see, we offer wall-to-wall, nail-to-nail coverage because we have anticipated everything that could possibly go wrong for our clients. You will be able to sleep secure at night knowing that the value of your property is protected.
When we founded this company, our vision was to help artists ensure that the value of their works was protected, which is why we are committed to getting you the best coverage possible. So you can be sure that your finest pieces are in good hands, we only work with A-rated insurers who understand the needs of the art community. As a result, our clients always get cost-effective coverage that meets their individual needs. To find out more about how our art workshop insurance agency can help you, contact us today by phone or email. We will be glad to discuss the coverage options we can offer you!